Finance Your Education

Identifying and obtaining the financing required to return to school is an important consideration for 49er Finish students. Opportunities to assist in funding your education include:

  1. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Please be sure to include the UNC Charlotte school code, 002975, on the FAFSA form. The priority deadline for applying for fall aid is March 1st but you can submit an application year round. For additional information and questions, please contact the Niner Central at 704-687-8622.
  2. We encourage you to view the requirements for the Osher Reentry Scholarship, Carol A. Douglas Reentry Scholarship, and the OASES Scholarships to see if you are eligible to apply. Awards range from $500- $3000 for the academic year.
  3. For additional scholarship opportunities at UNC Charlotte, please visit the University Scholarship Office. You can explore the online scholarship database (NinerScholars Portal) to view over 500 opportunities across campus.

Tuition and fees are billed by the semester for fall and spring terms and by credit hour for summer terms. Taking twelve or more credit hours is considered full-time status for undergraduate students. UNC Charlotte offers payment plans for tuition and fees. For more information on tuition and fees visit Financial Services.